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Peterborough Rape Crisis Care Group (PRCCG) was established in 1983 in response to a need amongst women and girls for a safe, confidential, non-judgmental support service.

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01733 511250

If you need help or support. We're here to support you

Help to cope with the impacts of sexual violence

As a survivor or someone who is supporting a victim, PRCCG has developed an emotional support service that is built around the trauma you’ve experienced. What you’re experiencing is often referred to as traumatic stress because of the emotionally distressing events you’ve been exposed to. But it’s a common reaction to a situation that is far from normal.

If you have experienced a trauma, you can be easily overwhelmed, feel frightened or have a sense of being out of control. It might be difficult to understand, retain or process any information, this can affect your ability to concentrate which makes the process of giving you support very difficult.

Therapeutic services

Recognising your strength and resilience, we can give you the ability to get control through the choices you make – establish connections with your family, friends, professionals and the wider community. This approach is centred around 5 key areas to help you.

This service is available to women, girls over the age of 16 as well as men and boys. Individuals like you who are victims or friends and family of survivors. This support is provided over the telephone or online and you can access up to 8 sessions delivered on a fortnightly basis.

1. Stabilisation

Offering immediate support to address your practical and emotional needs is important to establish a sense of safety.

2. Education

Provide you with information about the impacts of the trauma you’ve experienced to help you cope with the situation.

3. Normalisation

Using what we’ve learnt about you to provide the reassurance that what you’re feeling is very normal.

4. Supporting

Focus on what you need to cope with your trauma and how we can increase your ability to do this by building your strengths.

5. Engagement

Look at other ways you can be supported, not just focussing on the psychological but finding other activities to help and facilitate connections..

Talk to us
for More information and support

Simply complete a referral form and let’s start talking.

Sexual Violence Advocates

Our advocacy service is about representing you and providing the right level of support for your needs. It’s a free and confidential service you can access even if you haven’t reported your situation to the police. We’ll also guide you through the criminal justice system if that is the route you want to go down.

Any adult who is a victim of sexual violence would work with our Independent Sexual Violence Advocates (ISVA). As a survivor of sexual violence, you’ll be offered practical and emotional support irrespective of when the incident occurred. Helping you to cope with your short and long-term needs as well as providing information on how to access available support services.

As a non-judgemental support service, we work with you to identify your needs and ensure other agencies provide you with the information you need.

Children and young adults who have experienced sexual violence would work with our Child and Young People Advocates (CHISVA). They can answer any questions you or your family may have. You can also have an adult present at any of these meetings or if you’re old enough and prefer to meet on your own, that’s also possible.

Our ISVA’s can talk to you about the available help including :

  • Provide information on health and well-being services, even accompany you to your first appointment.
  • Provide emotional support.
  • Share impartial information about the criminal justice process, reporting to the police and what to expect.
  • Support through the criminal justice system and after a trial.
  • An advocate on your behalf to provide a voice in the relevant processes.
  • Make connections with other services that may benefit you such as specialist counselling, domestic violence support, sexual or mental health, substance misuse and housing.

Make an online referral

Simply complete a referral form and let’s start talking.

When we meet it will be in a confidential space, somewhere you can talk about your emotions and any worries or thoughts you have.

If you decide you want to report your situation to the police, we can help with this process as well. Liaising with the police on your behalf and conducting pre-trial visits to prepare you for when you’re in court.

Our support meetings can be face-to-face, over the telephone, or through text messages. After you’ve made the initial contact, we can talk to you through a communication method that suits you.

Help you develop a coping strategy

Understand what is a healthy friendship or relationship

Provide any referrals to specialist organisations for counselling

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