Sexual violence and its effects

Offering free, confidential and non-judgemental specialist support services.

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What is sexual violence?

Sexual violence is an abuse of power by one person over another. It’s any sexual activity that happens without a person’s consent. The offender has ignored your will and taken it upon themselves to control what is done to you.

There are lots of different aspects to sexual violence, it’s important to recognise these and understand that all these forms are frightening – often leaving the survivor feeling violated. But it’s also good to remember you’re not alone.

Let’s be honest – sexual violence is a scary term

Violence is a harsh term and when you combine it with something as intimate as sex it can be incredibly powerful. But not as much as the emotions many survivors of sexual violence feel about their experience. It does take many forms and the outward signs of an individual affected are not always visible.

Forms of sexual violence

PRCCG never judge you, we are here to listen, support, and believe in you.

Can be verbal, physical or emotional

Could have occurred recently or happened many years ago

Carried out by someone you know or don’t know

Can happen once or multiple times

Sexual violence covers a range of actions and the majority of these are criminal offences.

Sexual violence covers a range of actions and the majority of these are criminal offences.



Pressurised sex

Sexual assault

Sexual harassment

Penetration of objects

Unwanted touching

Threats of violence

Childhood sexual abuse

In reality, these are all forms of unwanted sexual behaviour or a way of inflicting control that humiliates the survivor causing pain, fear and intimidation. This is the description of what happens when someone makes another person take part in sexual activity without their consent.

Offenders can abuse power in various ways and these are not easy to recognise.

  • Exploiting vulnerabilities of individuals much younger
  • Using gender or social status to claim superiority
  • Threatening or implying threats to someone
  • Isolating the person from their family or friends
  • Targeting those with low self-confidence, disability or non-English speaking

How a survivor describes what has happened to them is important. As a society, we’re good at labelling activities but this can be detrimental as you also make assumptions based on the words used. Keeping an open mind and listening to the facts is what we’re good at, helping you to describe your situation as you have experienced it.

PRCCG recognise and respect that everyone’s experience of sexual violence is unique to them. We understand that as a survivor you may react differently depending on your age, religion, gender identity, sexuality or ethnicity. The support we offer will help you with the impact your experiences are having on you and your life.

Our ISVA’s can talk to you about the available help including :

  • Provide information on health and well-being services, even accompany you to your first appointment.
  • Practical advice on your safety and how to protect yourself.
  • Provide emotional support.
  • Share impartial information about the criminal justice process, reporting to the police and what to expect.
  • Support through the criminal justice system and after a trial.
  • An advocate on your behalf to provide a voice in the relevant processes.
  • Practical help with housing and benefits.
  • Make connections with other services that may benefit you such as specialist counselling, domestic violence support, sexual or mental health, substance misuse and housing. 

Make an online referral

Simply complete a referral form and let’s start talking.

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